// For licensing see accompanying LICENSE.md file. // Copyright (C) 2022 Apple Inc. All Rights Reserved. import Foundation import CoreGraphics @available(iOS 16.2, macOS 13.1, *) extension StableDiffusionPipeline { /// Tyoe of processing that will be performed to generate an image public enum Mode { case textToImage case imageToImage // case inPainting } /// Image generation configuration public struct Configuration: Hashable { /// Text prompt to guide sampling public var prompt: String /// Negative text prompt to guide sampling public var negativePrompt: String = "" /// Starting image for image2image or in-painting public var startingImage: CGImage? = nil //public var maskImage: CGImage? = nil public var strength: Float = 1.0 /// Number of images to generate public var imageCount: Int = 1 /// Number of inference steps to perform public var stepCount: Int = 50 /// Random seed which to start generation public var seed: UInt32 = 0 /// Controls the influence of the text prompt on sampling process (0=random images) public var guidanceScale: Float = 7.5 /// Safety checks are only performed if `self.canSafetyCheck && !disableSafety` public var disableSafety: Bool = false /// The type of Scheduler to use. public var schedulerType: StableDiffusionScheduler = .pndmScheduler /// Given the configuration, what mode will be used for generation public var mode: Mode { guard startingImage != nil else { return .textToImage } guard strength < 1.0 else { return .textToImage } return .imageToImage } public init( prompt: String ) { self.prompt = prompt } } }