Timothy Kautz 1 year ago
parent ccd2832af4
commit 9315861903

@ -258,7 +258,7 @@ public struct StableDiffusionPipeline: ResourceManaging {
/// - diagonalAndLatentNoiseIsSame: Diffusions library does not seem to use the same noise for the `DiagonalGaussianDistribution` operation,
/// but I have seen implementations of pipelines where it is the same.
/// - Returns: An array of tuples of noise values with length of batch size.
func generateImage2ImageLatentSamples(_ count: Int, stdev: Float, seed: Int, diagonalAndLatentNoiseIsSame: Bool = false) -> [(diagonal: MLShapedArray<Float32>, latentNoise: MLShapedArray<Float32>)] {
func generateImage2ImageLatentSamples(_ count: Int, stdev: Float, seed: UInt32, diagonalAndLatentNoiseIsSame: Bool = false) -> [(diagonal: MLShapedArray<Float32>, latentNoise: MLShapedArray<Float32>)] {
var sampleShape = unet.latentSampleShape
sampleShape[0] = 1
