@ -25,14 +25,15 @@ You can see how it works through the simple sample code.
## Change Log
- [1.0.2 (3)] - 2022-12-16 `[Changed]`
- [1.0.3 (4)] - Dec 18, 2022 `[Changed]`
- set `MLModelConfiguration.computeUnits` to `.cpuAndGPU`, when running on mobile devices.
- [1.0.2 (3)] - Dec 16, 2022 `[Changed]`
- The apple/ml-stable-diffusion Swift Package v0.1.0 was released.
- At apple/ml-stable-diffusion Swift Package v0.1.0, `reduceMemory` option of StableDiffusionPipeline(resourcesAt:)
was added. And on iOS, the reduceMemory option should be set to true.
- This option was added and set to true, in `ImageGenerator.swift` when creating StableDiffusionPipeline.
- According to the new apple readme, iPhone requirement was changed to iPhone Pro 12+.
- [1.0.1 (2)] - 2022-12-08`[Changed]`
- [1.0.1 (2)] - Dec 8, 2022 `[Changed]`
- Changed to delay creation of `StableDiffusionPipeline` until the first image
generation and execute it in a background task.
- This eliminates the freeze when starting the app, but it takes time
@ -98,6 +99,11 @@ Now you can build the project, targeting to iPhone, iPad, or My Mac (Designed fo
## Consideration
### Extended Virtual Address Space and Increased Memory Limit capabilities
- if you encounter the memory limit issues on mobile devices, please try adding `Increase Memory Limit` and `Extended Virtual Address Space` capabilities to your App ID. This adds an entitlement to your Xcode project.
- please make sure that you use the App ID which registered the capabilities, "Extended Virtual Address Space" and "Increased Memory Limit", at Developer - Identifiers site. Or Xcode displays the signing and capabilities errors.
### Large binary file
- Since the model files are very large (about 2.5GB), it causes a large binary of the app.