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import rasterio
import torch
from scipy.ndimage import zoom
from skimage.draw import rectangle_perimeter, line
from import Dataset
from tqdm import tqdm
import numpy as np
from scipy import stats
from glob import glob
import random
class Helper:
def __init__(self) -> None:
def get_ranges(x):
bmax = np.max(x.reshape(-1, x.shape[2] ** 2), axis=1)
bmin = np.min(x.reshape(-1, x.shape[2] ** 2), axis=1)
return bmax - bmin
def get_tri(x):
return np.apply_along_axis(Helper._get_tri, 1, x.reshape(-1, x.shape[2] ** 2))
def _get_tri(x):
now = x.reshape(-1, 30)
tri = np.zeros_like(now)
d = 1
for i in range(1, 29):
for j in range(1, 29):
tri[i, j] = np.sqrt(
now[i - d : i + d + 1, j - d : j + d + 1].flatten()
- now[i, j],
return stats.trim_mean(tri.flatten(), 0.2)
class TerrainDataset(Dataset):
NAN = 0
def __init__(
dataset_glob -> glob to *.tif files (i.e. "data/MDRS/data/*.tif")
dataset_type -> train or validation
patch_size -> the 1m^2 area to read from .TIF
sample_size -> the 0.1m^2 res area to be trained sample size
observer_pad -> n pixels to pad before getting a random observer
block_variance -> how many different observer points
observer_height -> Observer Height
limit_samples -> Limit number of samples returned
randomize -> predictable randomize
random_state -> a value that gets added to seed
usable_portion -> What % of the data will be used
fast_load -> initialize from npy file, Warning: Dragons be aware
transform -> if there is any, PyTorch Transforms
np.seterr(divide="ignore", invalid="ignore")
# * Set Dataset attributes
self.observer_height = observer_height
self.patch_size = patch_size
self.sample_size = sample_size
self.block_variance = block_variance
self.observer_pad = observer_pad
# * PyTorch Related Variables
self.transform = transform
# * Gather files
self.files = glob(dataset_glob)
self.dataset_type = dataset_type
self.usable_portion = usable_portion
self.limit_samples = limit_samples
self.randomize = False if fast_load else randomize
self.random_state = random_state
if self.randomize:
# * Build dataset dictionary
self.sample_dict = dict()
start = 0
for file in tqdm(self.files, ncols=100, disable=fast_load):
blocks, mask = self.get_blocks(file, return_mask=True)
if len(blocks) == 0:
self.sample_dict[file] = {
"start": start,
"end": start + len(blocks[mask]),
"mask": mask,
"min": np.min(blocks[mask]),
"max": np.max(blocks[mask]),
"range": np.max(Helper.get_ranges(blocks[mask])),
start += len(blocks[mask])
del blocks
if fast_load:
self.data_min = min(self.sample_dict.values(), key=lambda x: x["min"])["min"]
self.data_max = max(self.sample_dict.values(), key=lambda x: x["max"])["max"]
self.data_range = max(self.sample_dict.values(), key=lambda x: x["range"])[
# * Check if limit_samples is enough for this dataset
if limit_samples is not None:
assert (
limit_samples <= self.get_len()
), "limit_samples cannot be bigger than dataset size"
# * Dataset state
self.current_file = None
self.current_blocks = None
def get_len(self):
key = list(self.sample_dict.keys())[-1]
return self.sample_dict[key]["end"]
def __len__(self):
if not self.limit_samples is None:
return self.limit_samples
return self.get_len()
def __getitem__(self, idx):
returns (x, (ox, oy, oz)), y
rel_idx = None
for file, info in self.sample_dict.items():
if idx >= info["start"] and idx < info["end"]:
rel_idx = idx - info["start"]
if self.current_file != file:
b = self.get_blocks(file)
self.current_blocks = b[info["mask"]]
self.current_file = file
current = np.copy(self.current_blocks[rel_idx])
current -= np.min(current)
current /= self.data_range
oh = self.observer_height / self.data_range
adjusted = self.get_adjusted(current)
viewshed, _ = self.viewshed(adjusted, oh, idx)
mask = np.isnan(viewshed).astype(np.uint8)
mask = torch.from_numpy(mask).float()
mask = mask.unsqueeze(0)
target = torch.from_numpy(adjusted).float()
target = target.unsqueeze(0)
return target, mask, f"{self.current_file}-{idx}"
def viewshed(self, dem, oh, seed):
h, w = dem.shape
np.random.seed(seed + self.random_state)
rands = np.random.rand(h - self.observer_pad, w - self.observer_pad)
template = np.zeros_like(dem)
self.observer_pad - self.observer_pad // 2 : h - self.observer_pad // 2,
self.observer_pad - self.observer_pad // 2 : w - self.observer_pad // 2,
] = rands
observer = tuple(np.argwhere(template == np.max(template))[0])
yp, xp = observer
zp = dem[observer] + oh
observer = (xp, yp, zp)
viewshed = np.copy(dem)
# * Find perimiter
rr, cc = rectangle_perimeter((1, 1), end=(h - 2, w - 2), shape=dem.shape)
# * Iterate through perimiter
for yc, xc in zip(rr, cc):
# * Form the line
ray_y, ray_x = line(yp, xp, yc, xc)
ray_z = dem[ray_y, ray_x]
m = (ray_z - zp) / np.hypot(ray_y - yp, ray_x - xp)
max_so_far = -np.inf
for yi, xi, mi in zip(ray_y, ray_x, m):
if mi < max_so_far:
viewshed[yi, xi] = np.nan
max_so_far = mi
return viewshed, observer
def blockshaped(self, arr, nside):
Return an array of shape (n, nside, nside) where
n * nside * nside = arr.size
If arr is a 2D array, the returned array should look like n subblocks with
each subblock preserving the "physical" layout of arr.
h, w = arr.shape
assert h % nside == 0, "{} rows is not evenly divisble by {}".format(h, nside)
assert w % nside == 0, "{} cols is not evenly divisble by {}".format(w, nside)
return (
arr.reshape(h // nside, nside, -1, nside)
.swapaxes(1, 2)
.reshape(-1, nside, nside)
def get_adjusted(self, block):
zoomed = zoom(block, 10, order=1)
y, x = zoomed.shape
startx = x // 2 - (self.sample_size // 2)
starty = y // 2 - (self.sample_size // 2)
return zoomed[
starty : starty + self.sample_size, startx : startx + self.sample_size
def get_blocks(self, file, return_mask=False):
raster =
grid =
# Remove minimum
grid[grid == np.min(grid)] = np.nan
# Find the edges to cut from
NL = np.count_nonzero(np.isnan(grid[:, 0]))
NR = np.count_nonzero(np.isnan(grid[:, -1]))
NT = np.count_nonzero(np.isnan(grid[0, :]))
NB = np.count_nonzero(np.isnan(grid[-1, :]))
w, h = grid.shape
if NL > NR:
grid = grid[w % self.patch_size : w, 0:h]
grid = grid[0 : w - (w % self.patch_size), 0:h]
w, h = grid.shape
if NT > NB:
grid = grid[0:w, h % self.patch_size : h]
grid = grid[0:w, 0 : h - (h % self.patch_size)]
blocks = self.blockshaped(grid, self.patch_size)
# * Randomize
if self.randomize:
blocks = np.random.shuffle(blocks)
# * Remove blocks that contain nans
mask = ~np.isnan(blocks).any(axis=1).any(axis=1)
blocks = blocks[mask]
if self.dataset_type == "train":
blocks = blocks[: int(len(blocks) * self.usable_portion)]
blocks = blocks[int(len(blocks) * self.usable_portion) :]
# * Add Variance
blocks = np.repeat(blocks, self.block_variance, axis=0)
if return_mask:
# * Further filter remeaning data in relation to z-score
ranges = Helper.get_ranges(blocks)
mask_ru = np.abs(stats.zscore(ranges)) < 2
mask_rl = np.abs(stats.zscore(ranges)) > 0.2
# # * Terrain Ruggedness Index
# tri = Helper.get_tri(blocks)
# mask_tu = np.abs(stats.zscore(tri)) < 2
# mask_tl = np.abs(stats.zscore(tri)) > 0.05
mask = mask_ru & mask_rl # & mask_tu & mask_tl
return blocks, mask
return blocks